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Game Jam


Greedy human beings are once again reaching out their devilish claws towards you, demanding an increase in the annual tribute of duck meat from the previous 2% of the population to 5%! Will you continue to rely on sacrificing a few citizens and deceiving the public to maintain a stable life in the duck society, or join the rebel ranks to seek a truth that the public doesn't necessarily need to know? Choose your side, mate.

Our Team Members !

Hello everyone, I am Nora Liao, the lead designer of this cross-over project. I'm very happy to introduce you our 48-hour challenge project, "Overducked" (or "Overdosed"?). For this year's Global Game Jam theme, "root", I approached the concept from the perspective of my personal cultural background. Eventually, with my teammates, we brought to life an idea that melds installation art with board games. 


In short, "Overducked" is a two-player asymmetrical battle board game in which players utilize two different battle systems (inspired by "Android: Netrunner"), to connect/disconnect light sources in the city of Ducktown. The objective is to either light or extinguish a set number of light sources to win the game. Additionally, the game incorporates a "loyalty" mechanic. As players grapple with the battle for light control, the loyalty level can also influence the outcome of the game.

What's special about "Overducked" is that players can physically turn lights on or off on a 3D laser-cutting cardboard map, deeply immersing themselves in the world of Overducked. We also unfold the universe through our unique event battle system. Players will experience the same events and make their own decisions to affect the duck society in real-time. While, they will know the plot from different perspective, as government, or as rebel. As always, different positions yield different narratives for the same event. The game grants you the freedom to make immoral choices, abuse your power, or display your virtue and sense of justice; however, don't take them too serious, after all, we're just some adorable ducks living in this beautiful Duckcity.

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